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Principles of Lubrication Shared at Malaysian Iron and Steel Plant
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The engineers from the iron making sector were given a demonstration on how to correctly apply lubricant.
Tecsia Lubricants was invited back to Malaysia’s largest iron and steel integrated plant for a lubrication workshop. The team of Certified Lubrication Specialists (CLS) presented.

The workshop was held for the procurement and maintenance departments from the iron sector. The objective was to educate the attendees on the importance and benefits of proper lubrication. Before concluding the session, questionnaires were given to ensure that there were doubts left unclarified.

A technical discussion followed thereafter, where case studies of other iron making plants were brought up. Tecsia Lubricants’ team was encouraged by the interactive conversations made with the attendees. Through feedback, attendees have found the workshop and discussion to be enriching where they are able to appreciate lubrication at a higher level.

After the basic lubrication workshop, Tecsia Lubricants launched a trial of TACBECON® JACKGEL HDG at the iron mill. TACBECON® JACKGEL HDG aims to prevent bearing seizure and prolong its lifespan. In addition, the CLS gave a demonstration on how to properly lubricate the bearings of the pig casting machine. It was very insightful for the engineers.

Overall, the trip to the iron and steel integrated plant in Malaysia was very rewarding and successful. Tecsia Lubricants looks forward to its next promising visit.








Monday, 09 Feb 2015